Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mocking the Symbolic Hero

Trump has boldly said that he would’ve run into the school at Parkland, Florida, even unarmed, to apprehend the shooter and defend the children. But has this quote been taken out of context?

What does it symbolically mean for our culture and civilisation, that we spend our time and energy mocking heroic aspiration, even from the person sitting in the seat of highest power – the archetypal hero embodied in our current social order?

James Fox Higgins explores the importance of revering heroic deeds, even if they are hypothetical.

The post Mocking the Symbolic Hero appeared first on THE RATIONAL RISE ⇧.

Originally published at The Rational Rise

Creative Spark (Would You God?)

Where does the desire to create come from?
What about creating life, art, and music is so compelling for humanity?
If you could create a new sentient species, would you?
What about a whole life-supporting universe?
Would you help your creation to thrive and succeed?
Would you God?

The post Creative Spark (Would You God?) appeared first on THE RATIONAL RISE ⇧.

Originally published at The Rational Rise

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Falcon Heavy Hoax, Flat Earth, & God

James Fox Higgins discusses some of the basics of the Flat Earth Theory with American proponent Grant Davis, and they find surprising common ground, especially in their shared Christian theology. A respectful dialectic between two vastly opposing cosmological worldviews.

The post Falcon Heavy Hoax, Flat Earth, & God appeared first on THE RATIONAL RISE ⇧.

Originally published at The Rational Rise

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Philosophy in 2018

While James was finding Jesus, Sven found crypto… We discuss the journey, the rollercoastering market value of Bitcoin and Shitcoins alike, and what the future may hold…

The post Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Philosophy in 2018 appeared first on THE RATIONAL RISE ⇧.

Originally published at The Rational Rise

Friday, February 9, 2018

*TEASER TRAILER* The Ghost of Emily (A Novel by James Fox Higgins)

Some of you might be wondering what this book is that I’ve been going on about; the one I wrote. Who reads blurbs or amazon reviews anyway? Well, for the visually inclined, here’s a moody little teaser I just made for my debut novel, The Ghost of Emily, first book in The Ghosts of Men Trilogy.

Grab your copy here:

A full movie-style trailer will be released with the audiobook this year, so keep an eye out for that in the future!

The post *TEASER TRAILER* The Ghost of Emily (A Novel by James Fox Higgins) appeared first on THE RATIONAL RISE ⇧.

Originally published at The Rational Rise