Saturday, December 31, 2016
Why Milo Yiannopoulos is going to win, and your hatred of him only makes him stronger.
New from The Rational Right: Christmas Truth
Sven and James discuss the difficulty we face as red-pilled people with family members who are still plugged into “The Matrix” of mainstream narrative.
The post Christmas Truth appeared first on The Rational Right ➔.
2016 - The Best Year Yet (A Review)
So, it's the last day of 2016!
I see many of my friends and acquaintances, as well as public figures lamenting what a dreadful year this has been. I would concede that it has certainly been an intense year. Many changes in people's personal lives and certainly in the global political/economic sphere. In my irrational youth I would have chalked this up as an astrological convergence or some kind of destiny/fate for humanity. I probably also would have been lamenting the horror of 2016. That is, I would have had I not had a massive awakening in early 2015 which was well and truly concretised as a radical shift in world view by the time 2016 came around.
I discovered philosophy. And through philosophy I discovered the tools within myself to adequately assess the world around me with logical consistency, with an understanding of principles, and an ability to be guided by those principles into better, healthier choices for my life.
But better choices are not always easy ones.
I had to face my internal reality about some of the relationships in my life. My experience was not being shared honestly with people I claimed to love, and who claimed to love me. And I had to ask myself "why am I withholding?"
To quote one of my favourite musicians (though less so these days because of his political positions, which irk me) Jason Mraz, "When there is love, I can't wait to talk about it." I used to think the it he referred to was the love itself. But how can one talk about love? We don't even know what it is, right?
Well, I learned a new definition of love from my favourite living philosopher, Stefan Molyneux. He says that love is an involuntary response to virtue, experienced by virtuous people. So love is just an attraction, to the goodness in others, when we ourselves are good.
There were people in my life who I couldn't share that understanding with, and worse, who I couldn't share my own feelings with. The word love was there, but we couldn't talk about it. But, in my pursuit of my own virtue, I chose to recognise my failure to be truthful about my experience and start talking, at risk of exposing dangerous truths.
And that's when people started revealing themselves to me - their truest selves.
The best relationships in my life have strengthened beyond description. This has been the best year of my marriage so far, and my close friends are people I am truly intimate with, in ways that would have been terrifying for me in the past.
The worst relationships became apparent for what they were, and I dissolved them.
At age 30, with two children of my own, a wife, and a wildly creative multi-disciplined career, I simply don't have time to invest in relationships that don't have the basic notion of reciprocity down. If there's nothing in it for me, I'm out. My life is not a charity for others. My life is my own.
This year has probably been the year of the MOST social adversity for me. My opinions about Donald Trump, about feminism and Islam, about the government and the welfare state, are not popular ones - at least not in the creative circles I operate in. So I've positioned myself as someone who is quite a contrarian to my contemporaries. The result, however, has been surprising.
Most people who see the world like I do are scared to talk about anti-feminism, pro-freedom, men's rights, anti-Clinton (and so on) ideas openly, because they fear being fired by their leftist liberal bosses, or ostracised by their social circle or family.
I haven't faced such consequences. Why? Because I'm self-employed, so I can't be fired. I could lose clients, sure, but that hasn't happened. I'm really damn good at what I do (which is sing and play guitar and keyboards and entertain people and make them feel good with great music!) and so my philosophy and politics are irrelevant in my workplace - music is a unifier.
Secondly, my social circle is two-fold. There's the music scene, in which I have many people I consider friends, but really we are just professional colleagues who work in an environment where we can drink beer, dance around like idiots, and have a great laugh together. It's work, but it feels like play. Some of these colleagues have taken an interest in my politics and philosophy, and while not all of them are convinced by what I talk about, I know that most all of them respect me as someone who is able to have contrarian values, but still conduct a discussion with respect and with strong rational arguments.
My real social circle is, in fact, very small. I have three people that I socialise with regularly, and they are my Philosobros. They are men who share my interests and values deeply, and we convene regularly to discuss them, as well as make videos and articles for The Rational Right, and have a great laugh together.
But at the core of my life as a social animal, is my family.
I spend much of every day with my sons and I help them grow, and they help me. Anyone with two or more kids would agree that twice the number of children is not twice the challenge - it grows exponentially. But the rewards for facing that challenge with eyes and heart open are indescribably sweet.
My wife's family are an essential part of daily lives too, and they are of such valuable influence in the lives of my boys. Without them, I'm not sure where we'd be.
My father lives on the other side of the world to me (in China) and has a new wife who he loves very much. They are career partners too, and kicking serious goals. I see my Dad once a year if I'm lucky, and yet (thanks to social media) I feel we are closer than ever. I think most of this has stemmed from my own growing self-awareness, which has fostered a greater appreciation of all the wonderful qualities my Dad has, and all of the wonderful gifts he has given me - both through his genes and his parenting. I am probably more like my Dad than ever, and I couldn't be prouder.
My wife is far beyond anything I might have imagined from a partner. She is my best friend, my ally, my challenger to greatness, my harshest critic at times, my creative collaborator, my co-parent, my counsel, and my research assistant. My career allows me a lot of time at home with her and my sons, and for that I am truly grateful.
But there was loss, too.
Marcus Aurelius said: “Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight.”
I lost some friends in 2016. I lost some social safety, by exposing my non-mainstream values so publicly. I lost my mother. But I lost all of those things because I lost my illusions, and my willingness to carry on dishonestly. And all that loss cleared the way for something new, in me.
I changed; I became a better, more principled man. A gentler, more patient father. A more generous and compassionate husband. A more reliable and welcoming friend. A person with self-esteem. Someone with boundaries, and a willingness to defend them when necessary.
I love myself, finally. There are still parts of me that I'm working on, but having lived one full calendar year now knowing that my philosophical principles are my guide, I have walked the right track, and tasted its fruits.
I've achieved big things in 2016, major career milestones, including:
- Released my third solo studio album (you can hear it here:
- Worked on my first songwriting collaboration with a major international artist.
- Finished building my recording studio (with my own hands).
- Engineered and mixed my first primarily TAPE-based album project - coming soon, stay tuned. (This is a pretty nerdy thing to list as a major achievement, but it's been a lifelong dream, so there!)
- Rebooted my public image to incorporate my music, my writing, my philosophy all under one brand. No longer just a MUSICIAN, now a PUBLIC FIGURE - with lots to say!
- I wrote (and am just about finished re-writing and editing) my first novel, something I've always thought I am capable of, but never found the time for. This year I made the time. I am really proud of this book. It's an exciting science fiction adventure, but its also a brave manifesto of my beliefs on many topics: metaphysics, epistemology, politics, ethics, aesthetics, parenting, technology, government... it's all in there. All of my ideas and views have been spun into a world of my creating, delivered by characters who I am now deeply involved with, and may be for years to come! The book will be out next month, and you can be sure I'll be letting you know all about it!
Sure, some big name artists and actors died. But that's life. We are all just candles in the wind, and rather than get scared by other candles snuffing out around you (usually thousands of kilometres away, and people you've never even met!), my advice for 2017 is this.
Spend your time trying to answer the question: HOW BRIGHT CAN I BURN?
Friday, December 30, 2016
Another from my small but beautiful watch collection. Just got a new lens put on this #Seiko5 automatic gold watch. Love this. The first watch I bought as an adult, about 8 years ago from a pawn shop in St Kilda, Melbourne. Have worn it to many hundreds of gigs and special occasions. I'm a sucker for a Japanese Auto!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
I love watches and hope to grow my collection over the years to come. I especially love classic style watches that you might see on Jay Gatsby or Sean Connery as Bond. This was a beautiful 7th Wedding Anniversary gift from my amazing wife last night. And we had an incredible Sukiyaki dinner with sake to go with it!
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
New from The Rational Right: ARRIVAL (Amy Adams) – A Philosophical Review
James Fox Higgins delivers a scathing review of what he calls “the worst science fiction movie” he has seen in a long time.
“Arrival” stars Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker and centres around a linguistics professor trying to communicate with the aliens that arrive on Earth in 12 sideways saucers. The results are predictable, implausible, laughable, and angering.
REFERENCE: Our presentation on the nature of Globalism.
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
New from The Rational Right: The Tightly Woven Web
James and Sven sit down in the new Rational Right studio for a chat about the tightly woven web and the potential future of cultural discourse.
Sargon of Akkad vid that prompted this conversation:
That “First” O’Keefe video:
CASUAL COUCH CHATS – Let There Be Trump:
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
Russell Brand: So close to right, but still wrong.
There are things about Russell Brand that I really like. And other things that I don't. He's one of the few leftists who speaks (somewhat) honestly and with relative intelligence about big issues. He has correctly identified the problems with the world, and for that I really enjoyed his book "REVOLUTION" (also for his honesty about his own trauma and struggle with alcohol, drug and sex addiction). The problem with Russell is that after he correctly identifies the problems with the world, his brain twists into a pretzel and he offers completely counter-productive solutions (such as wealth redistribution).
Once again, he is able to identify HOW we've gotten to where we are, and to some degree why Trump was voted for (though his assumptions about the "insanity" of Trump's policies belie his ignorance of the facts). His suggestion that understanding is the key to the left regaining some political footing in the west is precisely correct. But as I mentioned in my video yesterday, the left are incapable of winning arguments in the forum of reasoned debate, because their arguments are so logically untenable. Check out my video here for more comment on that topic:
Saturday, November 12, 2016
New from The Rational Right: The Death of Leftism in the West
Jonathan Pie’s Rant:
With the complete takeover the American government by the revitalised Republican Party, Hillary supporters take to the streets rioting, protesting, and otherwise completely embarassing themselves and their cause.
Remember when Hillary admonished Trump for even suggesting he might not accept the outcome of the election if he loses? Where is Hillary now? Why isn’t she disavowing these rioters?
Remember when Hillary tried to use Donald Trump’s delay in disavowing the endorsement of a KKK leader as evidence of his racism and hatred? Why isn’t Hillary disavowing the violence that is happening in the streets of the USA – led by her supporters, who act in HER name?
The truth is, this violent turn heralds the DEATH of leftism in America. The anti-gun, anti-fascist democrats have resorted to the beginnings of some kind of pathetic attempt at civil war… because they have lost the war of ideas.
Fortunately, the violence won’t last long, precisely BECAUSE the left disarmed themselves, and because law enforcements are squarely behind Trump.
I believe that the Left is FINISHED in the West, for at least a century. It may take a while for them to get it, but their revolution came and went, and conservatism won – as it should, because conservatism leans towards self-governance, and away from the evil of globalism.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS – Self Work With A #GorillaMindset – Book by Mike @Cernovich
James (Editor-in-Chief) discusses the value of self-work through his own experience (in brief) and reviews the book #GorillaMindset by Mike Cernovich as his personal key to unlocking his physical motivation.
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Friday, November 4, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CASUAL COUCH CHATS – Let There Be Trump!
James and Sven of The Rational Right discuss the Trump phenomenon a week before the 2016 US election…
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Thursday, September 15, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: Calling Pauline Hanson “racist” is #NotAnArgument
Yesterday Pauline Hanson made her maiden speech in the newly formed Australian Senate. Within minutes, the Greens Party senators stormed out in a cuckish, unintelligent protest.
Unlike the pouty, virtue-signalling Watermelon Party (Greens on the outside, Red on the inside), Pauline Hanson believes in democracy, and she stands in the senate speaking uncomfortable, politically incorrect truths that are recognised AT LEAST by the citizens who elected her.
When a party walks out (en mass) on a speech in some form of lame protest, all they do is demonstrate the wilfulness of their ignorance.
James Fox Higgins explores some of the content of Hanson’s speech, and makes a case for why the Greens’ protest was the least effective approach they could have taken for their own cause.
Watch Pauline Hanson’s full speech here:
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Sunday, September 11, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: 9/11 – The Only Truth That Matters
15 years ago today the heart of western civilisation was attacked by Islamic extremism in an event that rocked the world, and changed the zeitgeist of planet Earth irrevocably.
While the debate still rages about whether or not it was an inside job, or whether the attack was some kind of justified retaliation after the violent interventionism of America in the Middle East, there is one fundamental cause that people tend not to discuss on this day:
Irrational Faith.
Faith in God. Faith in Allah. Faith in America. Faith in any Country or State.
One must have faith in these things, because they are figments of imagination, they do not exist in the empirical universe. And when one places faith in these fantasies above a commitment to reason, evidence, rational self-interest, or universal principles like the NAP, then we inevitably have war and death to follow.
Rationalism is the only thing that got humans out of the realm of grunting animals, and its the only thing that will get us through this tumultuous time of mass enslavement by Statism.
Spread the word, share this video, write your own article, make a video, unleash your own mighty barbaric yawp into the world, and lets work together – with *words* – to ensure that another 9/11 never happens, anywhere.
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New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: When Compassion is Toxic
In today’s Car Rant, James Fox Higgins explores the idea that compassion and empathy are not universal or infinite values, and that they MUST have limits applied to them, lest they mutate into their very antithesis.
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Friday, September 9, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: Saint Harambe – Patron of the Self-Loathing Human
The social justice battle for Harambe, the previously unknown Gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, goes on. And on and on…
Around the globe, thousands of keyboard warriors have banded to together to petition, hashtag, and virtue signal about the cruel injustice that faced this beast when he shot to protect the life of a young child who climbed into his enclosure.
Some think the child should have been left to die.
Some think the mother should be punished.
Others think the Zoo should be closed down.
Some are question the very validity of animal captivity in the first place.
Meanwhile, Harambe has become a figure of parody for the SJW mindset, as well as a patron for environmentalists and vegans.
James Fox Higgins unpacks the philosophical problems that Harambe represents, and tries to share his views on the value of human life relative to animal, as well as the toxicity of environmentalism as an absolute ideology.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
That Moment When You Finish Your First Novel...
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: #kokesh2020 – is America ready for liberty?
Adam Kokesh is an American libertarian who has recently announced that he intends to run for President in 2020, with the singular plan of using his position if elected to enact an executive order to abolish the US Federal Government. While this is aligned with anarcho-capitalist philosophy, is America really ready to be freed overnight? Or does the transition to liberty need to be a slow, paced journey.
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New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: Anarchy & Equality
The post CAR RANTS: Anarchy & Equality appeared first on The Rational Right ➔.
from WordPress
New from The Rational Right: Anarchists for Trump? Will there be War? Self-work Cures Leftism.
In our first ever interview, James Fox Higgins speaks with fellow Aussie Anarcho-Capitalist Adrian Pikios from Love, Life & Anarchy.
Should anarchists suspend absolute adherence to the non-aggression principle and vote for Donald Trump?
Will there be another major war in the West, in our lifetime?
And how does a Leftist change? – an honest exploration of the importance of self-work.
Check out Life, Love & Anarchy on YouTube here.
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from WordPress
Sunday, August 21, 2016
The Making of an Unreleased Short Film
Being the obsessive and unemployed artiste that I was 10 years ago, I also made a "Behind the Scenes" documentary for the short film "Strung!"... neither of which were ever released.
So, in the spirit of cleaning out my creative closet, here's the making of "Strung!"
Saturday, August 20, 2016
What's a film without some epic trailers!
Friday, August 19, 2016
HEROES, 001: Aubrey Charles Roff Higgins
Heroes are an essential part of human history. They show up throughout the entirety of literature, all the way back to the first recorded story known to man - the epic tale of Gilgamesh (more than a 1000 years before the Old Testament!).
And in real life, heroes are often the difference between survival and death, evolution and stagnation, inspiration and despair.
To honour the heroes (both real and fictional) that I admire, here is the first episode of the HEROES series of my blog.
Aubrey Charles Roff Higgins (1914-2007)
Who better to begin with than a real-life hero, who was a person in my own life. My paternal grandfather Aubrey Higgins was an extraordinary man, who led an extraordinary life. I won't detail his full biography here, for two reasons:
1) This series is much more about painting a picture of the qualities that maketh a hero, not historical recount.
2) I am currently in the process of researching and organising the story of his life in order to begin work on a novel inspired by the experiences of he and my Nanna Marjorie Helen Higgins (nee Stevens). Theirs is an epic tale that has been told many times in my family, in many chapters, in many ways, but it deserves to be made into an epic, romantic, adventurous work of fiction, and I plan to do that (just as soon as my first sci-fi novel is finished!).
It is for the latter of those points that this story came to pass.
I told my Dad recently (when he was visiting from China) that I was planning this novel. I think he was touched by the notion, given that he too holds his father in the highest esteem as a hero, but also that he himself is a writer, and that for me to follow in his footsteps as it were (at a very similar time in life as when he too "came out" as a writer) is perhaps the highest form of flattery to both him and my grandfather, the latter of whom will be the hero of my story.
My Dad had to clean out some personal items he had in storage on the property I live on, and as I was helping him I told him of my plan. When I saw him again a few days later, my comment to him about the book I was planning had obviously stayed with him, because he decided to gift me a collection of treasures that had belonged to his father.
Needless to say (as you may empathise when you see the treasures below) that I was utterly moved and inspired by this collection, and no sooner had I spent a little time studying the contents, did the direction and outline of my story based on Aubrey's life take shape - INSPIRATION!
So these objects now take pride of place in my writing/music studio/man-cave, and each object will offer you a mere morsel of the heroic life that was Aubrey Charles Roff Higgins's.
In the above photograph is an official letter (brief as it may be) from King George VI, embossed with the emblem of Buckingham Palace, that came with the large brass medal which was minted in honour of Louis Charles Higgins upon his death in the line of duty. These items were the earliest remnants of memory my grandfather held of his father.
On the morning of their wedding, he wrote her this love letter (above). She evidently kept it on her person as it is torn and folded into disrepair. But this treasure was kept nonetheless, and it is just a taste of the depth of Aubrey's love, commitment, and honour that he brought to their relationship, and the seriousness in which he took his oath of marriage.
It reads:
My darling girl,
This comes to wish you many many happy returns of the day. May God bless you and grant you many more happy ones with me in the years to come.
A few hours after you receive this, we shall be joined together by God as man and wife, and I pray that God will guide and help us to be a blessing and comfort to each other.
After waiting for eighteen months, at last the day I have so looked forward to is almost here. I have been living for this day, when you, the girl I love with my whole being will become my life long partner. I promise you that you shall never want. That I will strive with all my might and main to make you happy, to live only for you. Your happiness will be my reward.
Once more my darling "Many happy returns", God grant you his choicest blessing, protect and keep you, keep you safe, until we are united as one at His Holy Altar. This is the fervent prayer of one who loves you dearly.
Always your Aub.
And here's the beauty he married:
About a year ago, Aubrey's widow Marjorie died peacefully in my presence. I had the great privilege of growing up with this great Matriarch and her late husband, the great Patriarch of our house, as central members of my family life. I spent lots and lots of time with them.
Many people cite a key moment in modern history that everyone (except millenials) can remember as the question: "Where were you when the planes hit the towers?". Well, I (at age 15) was in the home of Aubrey and Marjorie Higgins, my beloved grandparents, where I stayed one night every week without fail for my whole high school career. Prior to that, they lived with my parents, sister and I in an adjoined granny-flat to the house in which I grew up.
Today, the ashes of both Aubrey and Marjorie are combined together, and became the food for a mango tree, which we planted in their honour (as two children of the last years of the British Raj) only a few metres away from my man cave, where I sit and write this now. It is my hope that one day my sons, or perhaps my grandchildren, will climb and play in that tree and I will tell them of their ancestors. It will be my great honour and privilege to tell a fictionalised version of their great, romantic tale, just as it is an honour to possess these treasures that belonged to my Grandfather, and to publish a little about him here, as the first of my Great Heroes.
Finally, I will leave with you a song of them.
From my latest album, released only a few days ago, this song is calle "Marjorie (My Love Will Remain)" - it a song I wrote imagining what my grandfather might have liked to have said to my Nanna as he lay in his nursing home bed at age 93, unable to speak, dying. It is his swan-song to her, to tell her go on, to live through the pain and the loneliness, to know that there is a life to enjoy without him, and that even if he can no longer be with her, his love will always remain within her.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Strung! (A Short Film by James Fox Higgins) 2006
The film stars three of my fellow music students, come amateur thespians, and my adopted cat. The two leading actors disappeared into a cloud of smoke when we finished uni, but the third actor, Ian Peres who played Juan (and the voice of Juan the Monkey) disappeared into a cloud of glitter, sweat and groupies after we finished uni - yes, he went on to become a world famous rockstar as the bassist and organist in Wolfmother.
Check out Juan/Ian being a rock god in some stadium somewhere:
Though thoroughly stupid, I look back at this film and it fills me with pride. This was something that I saw in my mind, scribbled down as an idea, developed into a script, storyboarded, planned a multi-day shoot around, edited, learnt how to use 3D animation software, particle emission effects, all kinds of compositing effects, I re-recorded all of the dialogue in post, edited it into synch with the film, cut it down from a 37 minute behemoth into something slightly more digestible... I saw it through.
It surprises me in retrospect that I didn't release it when it was done, but I think I was just so exhausted after creating it, and a bit disappointed that it wasn't "film festival standard"... so I filed it away and forgot about it.
But now that I watch it again, and remember what was involved in making it... I am immensely proud that I did something so bold and so utterly stupid as make my own film. I may never do such a thing again, but that is one thing I can certainly tick off the bucket list!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The Premature Memoir of a Wedding Singer (Chap. 1)
And so, I've decided to now publish what I've written so far, chapter by chapter, into this blog, for you to read and enjoy freely. Perhaps sharing these chapters will spur me on to write more when I run out, and continue the story to its logical end. If you read my last post, about my career being officially rebooted as a musician/producer/writer (not just a musician), you would probably get a clear sense as you read this first chapter of my musical memoir of where the story must end.